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Past Productions and Projects

This is just the beginning.

Still the Kettle Sings, 2017
by Eleanor Felton, Mikaela Fuqua, Jenna Grubaugh, Jill Raymond, Shona Struthers, and Shelby Wyminga

"Plan Z Theatre Company is to be congratulated in the highest order for bringing this thought-provoking and delightful show to the Pacific Theatre. ...utterly fascinating."

- Liz Gloucester, Two Cents Two Pence

"...a lovely little gem… ...the structure and pacing of the show are solid. Light and dark are expertly balanced."

- Lillian Jasper, Two Cents Two Pence:

Salt-Water Moon, 2016
by David French

Photos by Jalen Laine Photography

Eurydice, 2015
by Sarah Ruhl
We produced our first official production as Plan Z Theatre, in Pacific Theatre's beautiful space at the Vancouver Fringe Festival

5 Stars, Vancouver Sun:


"Julie Casselman is breathtaking as Eurydice, and Eleanor Felton’s nuanced direction takes excellent advantage of the Pacific Theatre’s profile stage." 

Plank Magazine:


"Eurydice... was a rare treat."


"[Their] work was clean and elegant, and all of the actors involved show great promise. Julie Casselman was particularly engaging as Eurydice. Her simplicity and physical ease made her enjoyable to watch."


"Director Eleanor Felton, who graduated from Trinity Western University in 2014, is definitely someone to watch. If this is the level of artistry she is capable of producing less than two years into her career, I look forward to seeing more of her work in years to come."



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